
Managing Your Knee Pain at Your Desk Job

Mar 11, 2025
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Knee pain can be a real beast to deal with, especially if you work a desk job and are stuck in the same position most of the day. Thankfully, you have options to manage your pain.

If you sit in an office chair for six to eight hours a day, your knees may be suffering. If you already have a knee pain condition, the problem is multiplied. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help minimize knee pain at work.

At Apex Endovascular, located in Fort Collins, Colorado, Dr. Shawn Ahmed can help you figure out ways to reduce knee pain at work, and perform genicular artery embolization (GAE), if necessary, for a more permanent solution.

About your knee

A few facts about your knee joint:

  • Largest joint in your body — bigger even than your hip joint
  • Most complex joint in your body — more mobile than even your shoulder
  • Most vulnerable to injury
  • Losing just one pound of excess weight takes four pounds of pressure off your knee

The position your knee holds as one of the most important joints in your body means you also can suffer a lot — from both pain and loss of mobility — when it’s injured.

Top cause of knee pain when sitting

The leading cause of knee pain when sitting is also the most common cause of chronic knee pain: osteoarthritis, or OA. Wear-and-tear on your knees causes the cartilage to wear thin between the bones on either side of the joint. When bones start to grind together, the result is inflammation and pain.

This pain can be a throbbing pain or a dull ache when sitting still, changing to an intense grating pain and extreme stiffness when you change position from sitting to standing or vice versa. You can combat your pain and stiffness by following some simple tips for sitting at work.

Reducing knee pain at work

Keeping pain at bay during your workday may be a process with a lot of different parts. You’ll probably have to experiment some to find the right combinations of tips and tricks for you. Here are some of the most effective ways to reduce knee pain when you work at a desk.

Make your workspace ergonomic

The right desk height, monitor height, chair height, and body position can make a massive difference in how your knees feel after a long day at work. For some, keeping knees at a 90-degree angle is best. For others, a 60- or 45-degree angle provides more comfort. Some people even find a footrest to be helpful, allowing them to straighten their knee.

Try wearable aids

Supportive, comfortable shoes are always good for your knees. Many people find that a shoe with a bit of a heel helps them with their knee posture when sitting. Others find shoe inserts more practical. A knee brace can also help support your knee.

Be proactive with pain relief

Check with your doctor to see what pain medications are best for regular use, and take one before you leave for work to get ahead of knee pain. You may need to take another during your afternoon break. Also consider using ice packs during your breaks to keep swelling down. 

Avoid unnecessary impact

Taking the stairs may be considered “healthier” and “greener,” but when you have bad knees, the elevator is your friend. Don’t be afraid to hop the lift when others are headed for the stairwell.

Change position frequently

If possible, get up every half hour to an hour and stroll around for a minute. Pick up some supplies, go to the bathroom, or just walk around your desk for a turn or two. Immobility leads to increased stiffness and pain.

Still suffering from chronic knee pain?

If going to work feels like punishment due to chronic knee pain, it may be time to consider interventional procedures. Genicular artery embolization relieves pain and swelling by reducing blood flow and inflammation in the artery supplying blood to the appropriate area of the knee. GAE is effective and minimally invasive, and results can last for several years.

Don’t dread your desk job because of knee pain. Call Apex Endovascular at 970-508-8439 to learn more about GAE, or book a consultation online today.