
The Need for a Careful Approach When Dealing with Vertebral Compression Fracture Treatment

Jun 28, 2022
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Trauma and accidents with minor impact can cause vertebral compression fracture, especially if the quality of the bone is poor due to certain diseases or conditions.

The Need for a Careful Approach When Dealing with Vertebral Compression Fracture Treatment

Trauma and accidents with minor impact can cause vertebral compression fracture, especially if the quality of the bone is poor due to certain diseases or conditions. Most fractures do not require surgical treatment, but the fracture itself or inadequate bone healing can result in continued pain, deformity, or stenosis of the spinal canal.

Compression fractures usually affect the elderly with osteoporosis, when the trauma causes varying degrees of compression of the porotic bone matrix. In severe situations, segmental deformities appear, with instability that leads to loss of function, although the fracture itself also causes severe pain, which leads to immobilization, so the complication rate increases exponentially and the chances of survival decrease. 10-20% of patients with untreated compression vertebral fracture die in the first year.

It is obvious that a careful approach is needed when dealing with vertebral compression fracture treatment.

Treatment possibilities include non-surgical and surgical interventions.

Non-surgical treatment refers to proper analgesic administration and external fixation (corset), while surgical treatment is indicated in severe situations, after a thorough investigation performed by the spinal surgeon. Failure to do the operation properly and in time will affect the patient’s quality and life expectancy. Surgical interventions include minimally invasive procedures – vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty from doctors like /.